My one warning--the print (as in all Dover editions) is a little more difficult to read than more expensive publishers' print.I bought the book for a student who is a beginner reading music and I decided to keep it for myself because I want her early reading experiences to be with very easy to read print--then after a couple of years, maybe struggle with this.I have found this to be true of all my Dover editions,they're great to get your hands on a large volume of music and are definitely worth the price no matter how hard they are to read---but I've had to get better printed copies of pieces that I'm really working on for performances
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Product Description:
Treasury of 83 best-loved pieces in authoritative editions: Beethoven's "Fur Elise," Chopin's "Minute" Waltz and Polonaise Militaire, Debussy's Clair de Lune, Liszt's Liebestraum No. 3, Mozart's Turkish Rondo, Ravel's Pavane for a Dead Princess, plus works by Grieg, Granados, Haydn, Satie, Tchaikovsky and many more. Most pieces fairly brief, well within reach of intermediate players.
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