I've simplified, but this is what I walked away with. Unfortunately, the author spends more time justifying his theoretical argument than describing the practical application of his ideas. The book was written in 1967 when perhaps these thoughts were more radical. If you're intrigued and enjoy a heavy scientific bent, this book might be for you, but if you're looking for detailed practical advice on piano technique, I'm afraid other authors have done it better.
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Product Description:
So many of the great pianists and teachers have come out of Poland and Russia (Rubinstein, Anton as well as Arthur, Leschetizky, Paderewski,the Lhevinnes, Gilels, Richter, and others), yet we know little abouttheir methods of learning and teaching. George Kochevitsky in THE ART OF PIANO PLAYING supplies some important sources of information previouslypreviously unavailable in this country. Russian sources alone occupy fourcolumns of his bibliography on 'History and Theory of Pianism.'Additionally there are six columns of German sources and seven columns ofsources in English. From these sources, tempered by this own thinking, Kochevitsky has formulated a scientific approach that can solve most
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