![French Suites: With Seven Supplementary Pieces for the Keyboard [Paperback]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_v_w3TYS_uaGn96yjWDxtJe_VGV5Wwo2XV553154qDVrCNTSg2We8XfL9lU0-0FhUDWWJPn9eAGB4IEZnFXIHr0kGXEZ82-97hthCxRiAnLjooLOf9GqRzG7ZbyromVGQ=s0-d)
Bach's French Suites are probably his best set of Suites (Maybe besides the Harpsichord Partitas). This edition is a complete urtext edition- no editorial suggestions, what so ever (so when it comes to Bach, it means nofingerings, no nothing. Only the notes themselves), and that can be quiterefreshing. The book itself is made of good quality- good paper, goodbinding, and I also like the printing. And of course- the price. Such a lowprice for an Urtext edition, almost unbelievable (actually, I talked with asheet music dealer, and he claims that for this price, it's impossible toconduct a real research for the edition. This might be true. But I don'tcare where does the editor finds his resources from, as long as Konemannkeeps on publishing more and more new titles).
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French Suites: With Seven Supplementary Pieces for the Keyboard (Alfred Masterwork Edition) [Paperback]Product Description: In this volume, which contains six suites and seven supplementary pieces for intermediate to advanced level pianists, Judith Schneider has provided detailed biographical and historical information about the pieces, as well as suggestions to achieve a proper interpretation of these works. Bach's table of ornaments is also discussed. This volume beautifully prepares students to perform Bach's more advanced English Suites. 144 pages.
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