I bought this metronome after I'd been playing a number of years, and quickly this became my personal favourite for a number of reasons. First, the colour makes it really easy to find when you're packing up your things, so you're less likely to lose it. Second, the adjustable volume control means that you can gradually fade out the metronome sound. Third, the flashing light I found particularly useful when practicing in the choir loft with the organ and organist at the other end of a church.The light enabled both of us to keep time without being confused by the heavy reverberation and the length of time it took the sound to travel. Fourth, the adjustable sound, volume and flashing light means that for an ensemble with some timing difficulties, it can be used extremely discreetly in a performance, with no-one in the audience the wiser. Fifth, the 9-volt battery it runs on lasts for ages, and is easily replaceable even at the most inconvenient place and hour. All in all, if you don't need the bells and whistles of different tunings, or something to tell you what beat in the measure you're on, or you're just looking for standard metronome, it would be hard to beat this one for the features.
I did find one of the two settings for the click to be not as useful as the other, but this may be a function of the partial hearing loss that is a common occupational hazard among musicians. Still, it's nice to have the choice! This has lasted me for more than ten years and I have to say that it's a first-rate product. I'm pleased to see that it's still available.
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Yamaha QT1 Quartz Metronome, TealProduct Description: This metronome's great looks are only surpassed by its great performance. Volume control allows you to hear the beat over loud music, and two different "beat" sounds make for pleasant practice sessions. You can even turn the volume off and just follow the flashing red indicator light. The QT metronomes feature a compact design with quartz accuracy.
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