In my quest to learn the harp and to share music with others, I wanted a quick, non-electronic,and easy-to-read method to learn / review musical notes, terms, and symbols. At the time, Amazon had several types of products in this area. I took some time to decide which product would be best for me. I selected this set, and that choice has proven to be a good one! This is a nice, easy-to-read / easy-to-understand set of flash cards, and the colors do seem to stimulate one's mind, memory. Eye-glass wearers will appreciate the big, dark fonts on these cards.
What's nice is that the cards are two-sided with the teaching item on front and its answer on back. Apparently, some flash card sets in music do not have the answers on back; I read this in one Amazon review. What's the point of having the card if you don't have the meaning with it? Fortunately, this 89 Color-Coded Flash Card set gives the learner and teacher both sides of the situation, which is most appreciated!) Cards 3 through 36 show the named notes as they would appear on the musical staff as well as their location on piano / keyboard.
This set contains the following information:
Canary Cards (1-36): Clef Signs, Notes on Staff, Low C through Middle C through High C
Pink Cards (37-50):Note Values, Rest Values, Time Signature
White Cards (51-65): Tempo Marks, Dynamic Signs
Green Cards (66-77): Musical Symbols
Blue Cards (78-89): Melodic & Harmonic Intervals; Key Signatures
I'm well pleased with these cards and highly recommend them for beginning students and for those who want a refresher in music. Teachers: if you are using these in a classroom setting, buy one of those little "Page Up" stands that people use for typing. You can then display your note of the day / week.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Complete Color Coded Flash Cards for All Beginning Music Students [Cards]
Product Description:
Includes all notes, symbols and terms needed for the first two years of study on any musical instrument. Cards are color-coded by category and are numbered on the back.
Buy cheap Complete Color Coded Flash Cards for All Beginning Music Students [Cards] now
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